This is my "God Spot" blog

Hello, and welcome to my "God Spot" blog. This is a place for me to journal about my relationship with God. It includes bible readings, other books I learn from, songs, thoughts, etc. Just stuff that has to do with my relationship with God. I have read the bible from cover to cover before and want to do it again but this time instead of going straight through from front to back I want to read it in a chronological order so I found a print out to map it out for me. I am a big history buff too so I may add things like maps or recent scientific discoveries, etc. I hope it will be fun, educational and that my relationship with God will be enhanced by it.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


  • Son of Lamech
  • One of 8 people that lived before, during and after the flood.
  • One righteous person on the face of the earth before the flood.
  • Commissioned by God to build an ark.
  • Three sons:  Shem, Ham and Japheth from which came all the nations of the earth.
  • Was a 'tiller of the soil'.
  • Know for his story of becoming drunk and passing out naked in his tent. (Gen. 9).
  • Lived to be 950 years old.
  • The last of the long lived people in the Bible as their life span decreases rapidly thereafter going from around 900 years to around 120 years.
  • Mentioned 8 times in the New Testament and in Ezekiel.
  • Listed along with Daniel and Job for righteousness.

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