This is my "God Spot" blog

Hello, and welcome to my "God Spot" blog. This is a place for me to journal about my relationship with God. It includes bible readings, other books I learn from, songs, thoughts, etc. Just stuff that has to do with my relationship with God. I have read the bible from cover to cover before and want to do it again but this time instead of going straight through from front to back I want to read it in a chronological order so I found a print out to map it out for me. I am a big history buff too so I may add things like maps or recent scientific discoveries, etc. I hope it will be fun, educational and that my relationship with God will be enhanced by it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


The word Genesis means "beginnings" or "origin" and that what this book is about.  The first book and therefore beginning of the Bible and the beginning of creation and our lives here on this earth.

This book was written by Moses and begins with God.  It tells the stories of  His creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, The tower of Babel, The story of Abraham and Lot, Sodom and Gomorrah, Isaac and Rebekah, the death of Abraham, Jacob and Joseph.  It ends when Jacob and Joseph die in Egypt.  Which means that we start somewhere near the Persian Gulf probably in Iraq and end in Egypt.

Map of The Middle East

Lets Get Started!

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